5 steps to lasting change
I want to be a better parent, a better husband, a better coach, a better networker. I want to generate more positive energy around me.
I believe personal growth is a universal need. We all deeply desire to become a better version of ourselves, for ourselves and for people around us.
It's great... and as I am sure you noticed, it's difficult!
So I want to share some of the learnings from my own journey. Here I focus on changing our thinking and behaviour patterns. The good news is that our brain is so plastic that you can change many patterns on your own. The bad news is that one of our deeply entrenched patterns is to avoid the discomfort of change...
To create lasting change to your patterns, you need to go through these 5 steps.
1. INSPIRATION comes from self-awareness ("oh, I notice I am acting or thinking this way") or from someone else - maybe this post?
2. MOTIVATION is a great place to stress-test your desire to change. Does this desire come from a positive place to express your strengths, your values or your purpose more powerfully ("I truly want"). Or does it come from a place of guilt, shame or envy ("I need to, because I am not good enough")?
3. Your DISCIPLINE will vary greatly depending on how you answered the earlier question. I noticed my tendency to expect rapid or big changes... I am trying to be more realistic these days.
4. You have created a new thinking or behaviour HABIT - well done! You will notice this when your new thinking or behaviour comes easily and maybe even unconsciously. Keep practising it to reach the next level.
5. Beautiful! Your new way of thinking and behaving is effortless. It has become your NATURAL STATE.
Credit: Ulysse Lubin (https://bit.ly/34Yes71) for the visual inspiration....