What if you filled your day with more flow?
We experience flow when we are so focused on the task at hand that we forget about everything else. We become one with the task.
As we grow up, we often settle into an adult-life routine full of obligations. And we often forget about the activities and the topics that bring us in flow.
What if you filled a bigger portion of your day with flow?
This will bring you joy. Joy alone brings meaning to our lives. It also makes us more open. Therefore it increases our chances of gaining new insights and having creative breakthroughs.
Also when an activity brings us in flow, we put greater attention into the process. As a result we learn and reach excellence faster. This makes us more likely to deliver value to others.
Setting realistic expectations…
Some of us may be perfectionists. We may wish all our working time was spent in flow. It would be amazing, but in most cases unrealistic.
People who do what they love also spend a significant portion of their time in mundane or even dislikable activities. That's a winning trade-off because 1) they do spend time on things they love doing and 2) their work is meaningful. Think about professional sports people who love competing in games but spend most of their awake life intensely training for them.